

Hi Everyone!

We are so happy to have you visit Logos Baptist Church Mississauga! We welcome each and everyone of you to join us. You can scroll down to find a bunch of commonly asked questions in case you wanted to know more about us. If you have any other queries, please feel free to drop by our "Connect" page!


What kind of church is LBCM?

Logos is a tri-congregational community. We are a church made up of 3 unique, yet united, congregations all under 1 roof. We have a Cantonese congregation, a Mandarin congregation, and an English (who you’re visiting right now) congregation. We like to think of ourselves as practice for heaven when all believers from all races and languages will worship the Lord together and live in perfect unity.  A few times a year, all 3 congregations come together for one giant service done in multiple languages.  For more information about our Chinese congregations, please go to lbcm.ca.

When are your services?

Our worship service starts at 10:45 am. (We have other programs like youth groups, young adult groups, prayer meetings, etc. – please find that info under the Ministry page.)

How long are the worship services?

Services run between 75–90 minutes and are often followed by a time of joint fellowship as we eat lunch together and get to know one another better. You’re welcome to join us! We’d love to meet you!

Is there a children program?

Absolutely! We have specialized church for children ages 5–13. It runs at the same time as the congregations’ services: 9:00 am alongside our Mandarin congregation, and 10:45 am alongside our English and Cantonese congregations. Our online children worship begins at 10:25 am. Please visit our Children Ministry page for more information!

Is there a dress code?

Not at all. We want you to come as you are and don’t want to setup any road blocks along the way. (You’ll see our pastor in a suit but he likes wearing ties.)

What is the music like?

We try to strike a balance between traditional and contemporary. All we’re missing is your lovely voice!

Will I be singled out?

You’ll likely be greeted by a lot of smiles and a bit of applause as we welcome you (but that’s just because we’re so happy to see you).

What are your core beliefs?

You can find out in our “Our Beliefs” page.